Wednesday, December 17, 2008

420 magazine

I have joined an online mag called 420. The site is at . I have over 40 posts there so feel free to look those up under the name michaelkaer. Let me know how you like it.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Is pot illegal in Canada?

I know this is a separate issue from Industrial Hemp, but if this is true( possesion of marijuana is legal), why is there still all this red tape around industrial hemp? Here is yet another link from youtube . . If what they are saying is true then there is no logical reason for the red tape around Hemp. As far as I can see, we are waiting for a judgement to be published from an appeals judge which was rendered in November. I do not know why there has been such a long delay and why have people been busted for holding small amounts since the law was deemed unconstitutional in 2001? I have more questions than answers at this moment. I think I will take the fellows advice in the video and call on my local MP to see what he knows about this. Have fun.

Michael J. Kaer, Author of "What Money Can't Buy"

Rick Simpson

Here is some new youtube links about Rick and his fight against Cancer.

This is 7 parts out of 7

Why is he being shut up? Most likely for the same reason Rene Caisse, the cancer nurse, was shut down and shut up. It is now the 21st century, the century where we could cure cancer and many other illnesses and at the same time open the entire world to the wonderful bounty that is in the hemp plant. I plead with all who reads this post to pass it on to just one other person,more if you want. We must get this information out and save lives now with NON TOXIC method of curing Cancer.

Michael J. Kaer, Author of "What Money Can't Buy"