Wednesday, November 03, 2010

A sad day in mudville...

Hi folks.

I just heard the news, that prop 19 did not pass. That is s ad thing for the world. That just means more delay and with each delay we have more death and overflowing prisons. This maddness must end and it will; the 2012 elections have a much better chance of passing something like prop 19. Now what? After a couple bong hits for celebrating a hard fight that has brought a huge groups of groups together; now the base for the next push will be that much larger to start with. Us medical users are going to have to push harder and get more people informed. Education is the key.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Historic Moment!

Hi folks. It is Nov.2nd,2010. This day could go down as a day for freedom around the world. Let me explain. If you have been hiding under a rock and do not know that prop 19 is being voted on in California, then now you know! What is prop 19? A peoples bill to legalize and tax cannabis. Treat adult use of cannabis just like alcohol is. That is the best form of control,because the states gets to tax the sale of a (mostly)harmless plant. School kids can get a joint easier than they can get a bottle of beer. Fact! Why would we want to continue that form of chaos?

I am sure the prop will pass,because it makes sense. Pot smokers are not going to go away. Why not make some money that can go to education and other needs?

Good luck California!