Thursday, May 25, 2006

Running on Empty

Hi Folks.

I have been very busy the past few weeks giving and taking knowledge about Peak Oil at the runningonempty2, 3 and CA groups( Yahoo groups) as well as going to many other sites suggested by the other contributors. I have mentioned hemp often and well. I hope people are starting to see that hemp could be a large ingredient in getting through peak oil and other disasters. I am keeping this short today. Any Questions?

Michael J. Kaer, Owner of and

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hemp as the "New tobacco"

Hi Folks.

Last night we had our first face to face meeting of the CKOAP group. That stands for Chatham-Kent OilAge Planning group. We decided we were ( at this stage) a practical think tank If there is such a thing. One of the items mentioned was old tobacco farmers could use the land to grow hemp, now that the old market is drying up on them. The only problem would be irrigation, since the sandy soils wouls need a lot of water to get anything to grow. The soil over time would change for the better if hemp was allowed to grow and the leaves allowed to fall off and the roots left in place to bind the soil in a no-till fashion. You would not get a large crop the first few years and you would be growing other stuff inbetween years in order to build up you soil. The bible says take the field out of operation once every 7 years another way of doing that is to have 7 parcels of land and just rotate them. You would be able to use 6/7ths of your land every year. Just a thought.

Michael J. Kaer, owner of and

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Future Food

Hi Folks.
I am assuming a massive collapse of the world economy after the American collapse. When is the question on many people's minds. Peak Oil will be one of many factors that will bring this on. In the meantime, prepare as well as you can. I hope I have another 5 years to get my plans in order.One of the main weapons in my personal arsenal to combat poverty and lack of food when the collapse does happen will be growing hemp. Since it has very little inputs and can grow just about anywhere a small plot can do alot. Sprouting the seeds and eating the sprouts will be one main source of protein as well as other nutrients. Roasting the seeds and adding a little salt , makes them a great snack food. Pressing them for oil will allow you to cook other foods in the oil. The fibres of the plant stock will be used for paper, clothes and blankets. The only fly in this ointment is getting the seeds.I know where I can get seeds, there are dealers in every city and town.There is also a hemp grow opperation in Chatham. I may be able to talk someone into giving or trading some of those seeds for my giant sunflower seeds or something else. If I have to search all the back roads of the county to find wild hemp, so be it. It is a weed you know! Currently it is not illegal to grow hemp in Canada, but you have to jump through so many hoops and your operation has to be so large, that you must have lots of money to start with. If I can get someone else to buy the land and get the permits, I would be willing to share in the work and the produce. I have heard people have already invented a machine to break the hemp and get it ready to process, so we would have to get one of them or make it labour intensive and do the work by hand. In a collapse situation, that may be a great labour project.
Any Ideas and Comments are welcome. Thanks.
Michael J. Kaer, owner of and